Peptide kaufen - Custom Peptide Synthesis Service - Best quality guaranteed ! *** Peptide<>Plasmide<>Proteine<>Antikörper<>einfach<>zuverlässig<>kaufen ***
 +49 (0)1575 807 6839  Peptidsyntheseservice & Antikörperherstellung

Herstellung polyklonaler Antikörper

polyklonale Antikörper

Genosphere Biotechnologies, Paris | Antikörperproduktionsservice | polyklonale Antikörper | Host - Kaninchen | Meerschweinchen | Ratte | Maus | Huhn | Ziege.

Seit 1997 stellt Genosphere Biotechnologies seinen Immunisierservice Kunden weltweit zur Verfügung. Polyklonale Antikörper im Kundenauftrag, generiert in Maus, Ratte, Meerschweinchen, Kaninchen, Ziege und Huhn - Quietly reliable.

Die Antikörper werden in den vier Reinheitsstufen: "crude", "total IgG", "affinity chromatography", "double affinity chromatography" angeboten.
Als Host stehen : mouse, guinea pig, rat, rabbit, chicken, goat zur Auswahl.

See also: Avian IgY antibodies (Hen)

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Quietly reliable - Peptidsyntheseservice und Antikörperproduktion aus einer Hand !

Antibodies development services

+ Polyclonal and Monoclonal

+ Anti-peptide, anti-protein

+ Phospho-specific antibody development

+ Hosts: goats, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, mouse, hen

+ Purification: protein A, affinity purified

+ High ELISA titer guarantees

anti-Peptide pAb development

Host & Purification method Delivery
2 rabbits; Affinity chromatography purification. anti-Peptide Abs. Bestellnummer: GBAKH270423AFFRB 2-5 mg specific antibodies. Pre-immune sera. Report with ELISA data > 1: 40.000
2 rabbits; total IgG chromatography purification. anti-Peptide Abs. Bestellnummer: GBAKH150423TIGGRB 15-25 mg total IgG antibodies. Pre-immune sera. Report with ELISA data > 1: 30.000.

Affinity purified antibody

examplified ELISA Result:

ABS 405 nm


Purification method : affinity column

Rabbit No 1

dilution Pre-immune Purified

1:25 000 0.136 2.00
1:50 000 0.052 1.55
1:100 000 0.035 1.26

Rabbit No 2

dilution Pre-immune Purified

1:25 000 0.147 2.02
1:50 000 0.062 1.98
1:100 000 0.034 1.42
Interpretation of ELISA titer: < 1:1 000 = Below average ; 1:1 000 - 1:10 000 = Average ;
1:10 000 = Good; 1:10 000-100 000 = Excellent

ELISA Procedure:
Antigens are coated on EIA strips at 10μg per well. Wells are washed with 200 μl PBS buffer.
Antisera is diluted in series, added in separate wells , and incubated for 2 hours.
Unbound antibodies are washed and anti-Rabbit IgG-HRP conjugate is added.
Plates are washed and color development run for 15 min. with TMB substrate.
Absorbance is read at 405 nm (2.00 AUFS).
Color intensity is directly proportional to the amount of antibodies.
Antibody is positive if absorbance is >2 folds over that of pre-immune serum.
Background absorbance for pre-immune serum can reach 0.1 to 0.3

Pigeon Tektin-5 (TEKT5)

Multi-Peptide Co-Immunization

In some instances, in order to improve the chances of producing a successful antibodies pool, one may choose several target peptides within the same protein sequences and use them as antigen in a co-immunization protocol. Having several epitopes derived from a single protein will increase the chances of obtaining a pool of antibodies that will recognize the target protein. Some background signal increase may be experienced in some instances.

We will synthesize, purify and conjugate each peptide separately. Individual KLH conjugates are then mixed in equimolar ratios and used as immunogen.

anti-Peptide IgY : ab 956 €

IgY avian antibodies made by  Genosphere

Zugriffe heute: 2 - gesamt: 3210.

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