Peptide kaufen - Custom Peptide Synthesis Service - Best quality guaranteed ! *** Peptide<>Plasmide<>Proteine<>Antikörper<>einfach<>zuverlässig<>kaufen ***
 +49 (0)1575 807 6839  Peptidsyntheseservice & Antikörperherstellung

Peptide Array Service

Our peptide library manufacturing services

Design of your overlapping peptide library ..
Design of your overlapping peptide library .. Peptide libraries screening experiments without sacrificing data quality. With Genospheres cost-effective method of peptide library synthesis, you can now enjoy high-quality peptides for a fraction of the cost. Send us an email to learn more about. E-mail: Mesh #Peptide Library #Peptide Array #Peptide Pool

Genosphere Biotechnologies custom peptide library manufacturing services offers peptide libraries synthesis in 96-wells microplate formats.
Whether you intend to screen peptides for enzyme substrate profiling, elucidate substrate specificities, protein-protein interaction region mapping, or antibody epitope mapping, we provide cost-effective fmoc-based simultaneous multi-peptide synthesis technologies to fit your needs.
Genosphere Biotechnologies' peptide libraries are routinely used to screen for antigenic peptides, receptor ligands, antimicrobial compounds, and enzyme inhibitors identification. Some of the applications include:

Epitope mapping studies

Vaccine research

High-throughput protein-protein interaction analysis

Kinase assays

Pricing / Peptide Array

.... starting with 36 € per peptide; scale 2 mg

please inquire:

Peptide Libraries / Arrays / Pools

Wir bieten die kostengünstige Synthese von “custom Peptide Libraries / Arrays / Pools” im 96-wells Mikroplattenformat an.
Durch die Nutzung einer simultanen Multi-Peptid Synthesetechnologie (Fmoc) , sind wir in der Lage, die von Ihnen benötigten Spezifikationen, zeitnah zu erfüllen.

Anwendungsgebiete für „Custom peptide libraries“ sind u.a. : Peptidscreening für das “enzyme substrate profiling”, “protein-protein interaction region mapping”, ” antibody epitope mapping”.

Analysedaten: Massenspektrum für jedes Peptid

Lieferzeit: durchschnittlich 2-3 Wochen (96 well plate)

Bitte nutzen Sie für ihre Bestellung unser Peptidbibliotheksyntheseformular [14 KB] ab 48 Peptide / Platte *)

*) Die Mindestbestellmenge pro 96-well Mikroplatte sind 24 bzw. 48 Peptide für Peptide library Package Type I bzw. II.

Peptide libraries

Truncation peptide library
Truncation peptide library ... design involves synthesising peptides with truncated sequences. This approach is used to identify shorter peptides with the same activity as longer peptides. It is also useful in determining the minimum sequence required to produce a certain activity, or the minimum size of a peptide necessary for a certain function.

Overlapping Peptide Library: The generation of a peptide library by breaking the original protein or peptide into many equal-length overlapping fragments is used for linear epitope mapping, continuous epitope mapping, and T-cell epitope determination.

Alanine Peptide Scanning Library: The generation of peptide library in which alanine (Ala, A) is systematically substituted into each of the amino acids can be used to identify epitope activity.

Positional Peptide Library: A selected position in a peptide sequence is systematically replaced with different amino acids to show the effect on the substitute amino acid.

Truncation Peptide Library: Truncation peptide library is used to predict the minimum amino acid length required for optimum epitope activity.

Random Peptide Library: Constructed by randomly substituting selected positions on the original peptide and simultaneously with all other natural amino acids in a shotgun approach with a purpose to elucidate potential alternatives for enhanced peptide activity.

Scrambled Peptide Library: Scrambled peptide library is constructed by carrying out permutation on the original peptide's sequence. It has the potential to give all possible alternatives and offers the highest degree of variability for peptide library design.

Our Peptide library Package Type I

Design of your overlapping peptide library ..
Design of your overlapping peptide library .. Peptide libraries screening experiments without sacrificing data quality. With Genospheres cost-effective method of peptide library synthesis, you can now enjoy high-quality peptides for a fraction of the cost. Send us an email to learn more about. E-mail: Mesh #Peptide Library #Peptide Array #Peptide Pool

(i) Specification: Basic screening-grade peptide library

For economical initial or large scale peptide screens.

Peptide length : 5-20 aa
Free C- & N- termini
Amount: 1 to 2 mg
Purity: Screening-grade, desalted synthesis (average purity for 12mer >75%)
Analysis: Mass spectrum for each peptide
Minimum order: 48 peptides
Leadtime: 1 plate, average 2 weeks


.... starting with 36 € per peptide; scale 2 mg

please inquire:

Our Peptide library Package Type II

(ii) Specification: Pure qualification-grade
peptide library

For exploration studies and validation of identified target sequences.

Peptide length : 5-20 aa
Amount: 1 to 2 mg
Modifications: N-C-capping, biotin, flurorophores, unnatural amino acids
Purity choice: >80% ; >90% ; >95%
Analysis: RP-HPLC and Mass spectrum for each peptide
Minimum order: 24 peptides
Leadtime: average 3 weeks

Peptide Arrays

The delivery of large numbers of extremely affordable custom peptides has never been easier ...

Genosphere Biotechnologies has developed high throughput custom peptide synthesis to meet the growing demands for synthetic peptides. We offer parallel synthesis of small quantities of peptide libraries with the most efficient high throughput. Delivering 96 different peptides in a 96-well format. Each plate is individually tested for accuracy via mass spectroscopy (MS) and can be used for epitope mapping, libraries, protein characterization and much more. This technique provides researchers the ability to order large numbers of peptides at extremely affordable prices and delivered in a short time.


Epitope mapping

Alanine walking

Single amino acid mutation screening

Protein-protein interaction studies

Kinase motif discovery

Protease motif discovery

Contact us now for a free quotation

Peptide Pools / Arrays / Libraries

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    **) Die Preisangaben verstehen sich zzgl. Versandkosten und zzgl. gesetzl. VAT.

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