Aviäre IgY Antikörper (Hen)
- Huhn
Chicken IgY Antibodies
Cat. No. HP1AB05-01 Polyclonal Egg Yolk Antibodies | Inquiry |
Purification: Total IgY purification | |
Host: 2 Hens | |
Antigen Preparation | Peptide Synthesis (up to 20 aa) & optimized conjugation to a carrier KLH. |
Chicken Immunisation | 4 immunisations, 70 days ; Egg collection **) This procedures can be continued and prolongated on demand (additional fee). |
Purifications | Yolk isolation and total IgY purification |
First Deliveries **) | 50-100 mg total IgY purified from egg yolk. Pre-immune purified total IgY. 2-3 mg free peptide, purity >90% |
Report with ELISA data ; Quantitation ; ELISA, guaranteed titer >1:20 000 from purified egg yolk, LC & MS analysis | |
Price |
Bestellnummer: HP1AB05-01 Preis: 956 € zzgl. VAT **) Versandkosten: 55€ |
Polyclonal chicken antibodies (IgY) for research.
Why avian Chicken affinity purified IgY ?
- Because, higher titres against highly-conserved mammalian gene products !
Easier double immunostaining
Chicken IgYs can be used together with mouse and rabbit antibodies, without the danger of cross-reactivity. Secondary antibodies against chicken IgYs don’t cross-react with mammalian IgGs.
Higher detection signals
Chicken IgYs contain a larger glycosylation index, allowing more labeling with HRP and other antibody tags. This produces higher detection signals.
No "Fc domain" within the stem portion of a chicken IgY
This provides several advantages over rabbit IgGs:
It reduces the likelihood of having false positives in diagnostic applications, since it is the mammalian Fc domain that binds "rheumatoid factors" or other naturally occurring anti-Fc antibodies.
Does not activate mammalian complement systems, allowing the use of chicken IgYs in in vivo applications.
Does not bind to mammalian Fc receptors, avoiding non-specific binding to cells expressing such receptors (e.g., macrophages and dendritic cells).
Antibody glossary

Int Immunopharmacol. 2019 Aug; 73: 293–303.
Published online 2019 May 22. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2019.05.015
PMCID: PMC7106195
PMID: 31128529
Egg yolk antibodies (IgY) and their applications in human and veterinary health: A review
E.P.V. Pereira,⁎ M.F. van Tilburg, E.O.P.T. Florean, and M.I.F. Guedes
Pigeon Tektin-5 (TEKT5)
Zugriffe heute: 3 - gesamt: 1057.